Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mike's Apostrophe' Article

I knew this one would come up in regards to grammer issues, mostly because I have no idea what an apostrophe is. I know it must be important because it ranks above the " on your keyboard and is even on the home row! I took the opportunity to look it up and still have only some idea on what it is and how to use it, but hey... I am trying.
Here it the official rule from Houghton Mifflin "Use apostrophes to show possession: add 's after a singular noun or plural noun not ending in –s ; add ' after a plural noun ending in –s. Do not use an apostrophe after a possessive pronoun (my, mine, our, ours, his, hers, its, their, theirs)." More fun and merriment on apostrophe usage can be found HERE or HERE. Please be carefull about the second one as it is signifigantly more colorfull in showing errors found in cartoons. You have been warned… really.

1 comment:

  1. As I was reading Mike's Apostrophe Article, I realized how bad I have been.Apostrophes must be very important indeed. I realized I have been using apostrophes too often. I use them about any time there is an "S" at the end of a word. I also enjoyed seeing that picture you had. Well I am going to be looking at my apostrophes more, thanks to you!
    Keep Up The Good Work!
