Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My final grammar post: common spelling mistakes

This, my final grammar post is on the dreaded simple spelling error. When using Microsoft Word at the College you occassionally get a version with spell checking turned off. This means that to spell check you have to go to reveiw and click the spell check button instead of it just doing it automatically (see above)

Usually when you make a typing error, it will look more like this

I can tell you that not having spellchecker be automatic, makes me look like this

I found that there was a time before spellcheck that people used an actual "dictionary" to look up words. Although I understand the concept of a "dictionary" I cant figure out how people would look up words that they cant spell using a device that requires them to know how to spell the word in order to look it up. As you might of guessed... below is a picture of a dictionary for you to see for yourself.

You can also look up

which I use often for spellings.

Another great place to look up words is ..... They have an auto spellcheck that is really helpfull in correcting misspelled words. Yup, you guessed it... a picture is below for you to see.

This concludes my last grammar post. Funny, it also completes my picture requirements for my blog page... now that makes me ...........

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