Sunday, March 1, 2009

Its now a problem for it's grammar post

People (me included) always seem to confuse the use of Its and It's in a sentence. This is one of those grammar issues that is tricky because spell check does not see it has a bad word. I found a site HERE that give a short version of what do do and after reading this one I came up with what I will use from now on for me.
I just elongate the two words in it's and try reading it in the sentence to see if it makes sense. It's my turn would elongate out to IT IS my turn. Since that makes sense, I use the conjunction. Now for a sentence like Download the HTA, along with it's readme file." using It is would make the sentence sound all wrong, so I use its instead.
Anyway, it seems to work for me now and hopefully I can keep from messing these two words up in the future. Thanks for reading!!!!

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